Posts tagged with: rhinoceros

As a young, poorly educated Maasai, John Pameri walked a hundred kilometres to get a job at Kenya’s Lewa Conservancy – twice. Two decades later he’s head of a 150-strong security team, recently gained his pilot’s licence, and travels internationally...
The campaign to legalise trade in rhino horn as a potential solution to the poaching epidemic has gained a lot of traction in recent months, most recently with a paper written by leading environmental scientists in the journal Science calling...
As awards time comes around once again and gongs are given out to the great and good we felt it was timely to celebrate the success of Ol Pejeta, an impressive Kenyan rhino sanctuary we visited late last year, which...
Poaching doesn’t just kill rhinos, it diminishes the habitat available to those left alive, because the spiralling cost of security is forcing some landowners to remove the animals from their land. Yet in Kenya’s Laikipia district, one ranch is taking...
The breadcrumb trail saw us heading north of the border for the second time in as many weeks in the search of all things African rhino. It seems strange to be headed for Scotland in pursuit of our rhino story...