Posts tagged with: rhinoceros

It’s always good to be able to start the New Year on a positive note. So the launch of a major new ‘photography for conservation’ project for rhinos this month certainly gets the thumbs up from Project African Rhino, not...
Today is World Environment Day, the theme – illegal wildlife trafficking.  Whether or not to legalise the trade in rhino horn has been one of the hottest controversies surrounding the poaching crisis.  The South African government has backed off plans...
Yesterday we published an interview with Simon Naylor, reserve manager at Phinda private game reserve in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province, revealing the full impact of poaching on the reserve’s rhinos, finances and staff.  Today we publish his report of a...
How bad is the rhino poaching in Africa right now and how big a toll is the deadly horn trade taking on those battling to save them day in, day out? Reserve manager Simon Naylor of Phinda  game reserve in South...
Ithuba is six and half months old. He’s a white rhino calf and the first inpatient at the new rhino orphanage at Thula Thula private game reserve in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province. He’s had a bad night and his carers...
I can tell from the way we’re needling each other now after long days in the office, processing pictures, polishing pitches and chasing unpaid invoices, that it’s high time we were heading off back to the African bush. Our run-down...
Some welcome good news from Kenya, where the land available for black rhino is being extended by some 8,000 hectares, with the establishment of the Mutara Conservancy in the Laikipia region. The new conservancy borders Ol Pejeta Conservancy, which is...
This is the story of a ‘mystery’ rhino and a legendary Namibian bush expert we met on our travels for this project. It’s about a problem rhino bull conservationists weren’t quite sure what to do with and a stubborn visionary...
Last week we were welcomed into Glasgow Museums Resource Centre in Scotland on an unusual mission. We were there to photograph staff taking DNA samples of rhino horn from stuffed animals to help in the fight against rhino horn thefts...
The BBC’s recent blockbuster series on Africa made much of new footage showing black rhinos enjoying what were dubbed ‘secret parties’ at a Namibian waterhole. These nocturnal get-togethers won’t have been news to anyone who has visited Etosha national park’s...