Posts tagged with: poaching

The sickening attack on the Fundimvelo Rhino Orphanage at Thula Thula in South Africa in recent weeks, (see our earlier report on the work of the orphanage) and the worrying escalation of violation in poaching incidents this latest episode suggests,...
It’s always good to be able to start the New Year on a positive note. So the launch of a major new ‘photography for conservation’ project for rhinos this month certainly gets the thumbs up from Project African Rhino, not...
Today is World Environment Day, the theme – illegal wildlife trafficking.  Whether or not to legalise the trade in rhino horn has been one of the hottest controversies surrounding the poaching crisis.  The South African government has backed off plans...
Yesterday we published an interview with Simon Naylor, reserve manager at Phinda private game reserve in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province, revealing the full impact of poaching on the reserve’s rhinos, finances and staff.  Today we publish his report of a...
How bad is the rhino poaching in Africa right now and how big a toll is the deadly horn trade taking on those battling to save them day in, day out? Reserve manager Simon Naylor of Phinda  game reserve in South...
Ithuba is six and half months old. He’s a white rhino calf and the first inpatient at the new rhino orphanage at Thula Thula private game reserve in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province. He’s had a bad night and his carers...
Could a synthetically produced imitation of rhino horn undermine the black market in poached horn, and help save the rhino? That’s the intriguing proposition behind Pembient, a San Francisco-based biotech start-up, which plans to bio-engineer a faux rhino horn that’s...
The world rallied to the global financial crisis and the ebola crisis; they need to rally to the current global poaching crisis. Fierce debate over legalising the trade in rhino horn has split South Africa’s conservation lobby in recent months....
It’s two years since we reported on ambitious plans to introduce rhinos to Borana Conservancy in Kenya’s Laikipia region, bucking the trend of many landowners who were removing rhinos in the face of poaching threats. Now there’s more good news:...
For around two and a half years now, we’ve tried to keep a focus on what’s happening with the poaching of African rhinos via this awareness raising campaign. As a result we’ve become fairly well versed in the wide-ranging and...