Posts tagged with: Ol Pejeta

With a depressing inevitability, the countdown to extinction for the northern white rhino continues. Nola, a 41 year old female living at San Diego Zoo, has been put down, after unsuccessful treatment for a bacterial infection. She was also suffering...
Some welcome good news from Kenya, where the land available for black rhino is being extended by some 8,000 hectares, with the establishment of the Mutara Conservancy in the Laikipia region. The new conservancy borders Ol Pejeta Conservancy, which is...
It’s two years since we reported on ambitious plans to introduce rhinos to Borana Conservancy in Kenya’s Laikipia region, bucking the trend of many landowners who were removing rhinos in the face of poaching threats. Now there’s more good news:...
As awards time comes around once again and gongs are given out to the great and good we felt it was timely to celebrate the success of Ol Pejeta, an impressive Kenyan rhino sanctuary we visited late last year, which...